Attachement III.
Ye shall live also

Commemorative medal[21] on the establishment of the foundling homes, engraving, 18th c.
On the back of the commemorative medal on the establishment of the Moscow Foundling House on September 1, 1763, is the inscription Ye shall live also, St. John 14:19 (И ВЫ ЖИВЫ БУДЕТЕ I.Г.14.С.19).
Ivan Ivanovich Betskoj[22] was a Russian school reformer who served as Catherine the Great's advisor on education and President of the Imperial Academy of Arts for thirty years (1764-94). He established Russia's first unified system of public education and documented the above medal:
On the obverse side of the medal was depicted a half-length portrait of Catherine the Great, while on the reverse we can see the personification of the Christian symbol of Faith (the Creed) under the veil, holding a cross in her right hand.
The Faith is leaning on the pedestal of the church building and commands humanity, presented as a young woman, to pick up the child and bring it to the charity-based Sovereign House (Moscow Foundling Home).
Above, the words of the Savior are visible: “Ye shall live also” (St. John 14:19).
At the bottom, the inscription reads: “September 1st day, 1763.”
Catherine the Great was presented with five golden, two silver, and six bronze medals, while her son, Pavel Petrovich, received one of each kind.
The inscription: И ВЫ ЖИВЫ БУДЕТЕ 1: Г: 14: C: 19 (Ye shall live also St. John 14:19) is clearly seen on the 18th century engraving that was made after the medal was struck, possibly in 1783.

Commemorative medal[24] On the Establishment of the Moscow Foundling House on September 1, 1763, gold, d.51, weight 73, 55 gr.,1776 , S. Petersburg mint yard. Original by T. Ivanov/J.G.Waechner
M.E.Diakov. Medals of the Russian Empire, part 2: 1725-1796, Moscow, 2005, 123.1 Obverse: Б. М. ЕКАТЕРИНА . II. IМПЕРАТ. И.САМОДЕРЖ. ВСЕРОСС. (By the Grace of God Catherine II Empress and Autocrat of All Russia) Crowned and mantled bust of Catherine II right; under the portrait signature of engraver: "ТИМОФЕИ • IВАНОВЪ" (Timofey Ivanov)
Reverse: И ВЫ ЖИВЫ БУДЕТЕ 1: Г: 14: C: 19 (Ye shall live also St. John 14:19) Faith holding a cross on her shoulder consoling a woman with infant in her hands. Building with the monogram of Catherine II to right, a column with signature of engraver "I•G•WAECHTER•f"( I.G.Waechter fecit); in exergue –СЕНТЯБРЯ 1. ДНЯ. 1763 ГОДА (September, 1st Day, Year 1763)
Award medal[25] On the Establishment of the Moscow Foundling House on September 1, 1763 silver, d.28, for presentation to the best employees of the foundling houses, S. Petersburg mint yard, 1880, original by V. Nikonov. Medal instituted in 1808 in reign of Alexander I.

M.E.Diakov. Medals of the Russian Empire, part 2: 1725-1796, Moscow, 2005, 123.5
Reverse: И ВЫ ЖИВЫ БУДЕТЕ 1: Г: 14: C: 19 (Ye shall live also St. John 14:19) Faith holding a cross on her shoulder consoling a woman with infant in her hands. Building with the monogram of Catherine II to right; and initials B.H.P. (Cut by V. Nikonov) on the base of the column to left; in exergue –СЕНТЯБРЯ 1.ДНЯ. 1763 ГОДА (September, 1st Day, Year 1763)